The existence of alumni at Brawijaya University is supported by the Alumni Family Association (IKA) of Brawijaya University. In the IKA-Unibraw organizational structure, under central management there is branch management and commissariat management. Thus, at the engineering faculty level, the management is the IKA-Unibraw Faculty of Engineering Commissariat. Meanwhile, at the department level, organizationally there is no formal forum in the IKA-Unibraw structure.

Untuk itu, pada tingkatan jurusan diperlukanya suatu wadah yang bisa membangun jaringan komunikasi dengan kampus sebagai almamater tercinta. Pada era global dan serba sulit ini perlunya sifat saling bergandengan tangan dan mempererat ikatan agar kesulitan yang ada bisa menjadi lebih ringan atau bahkan bisa terselesaikan. Wadah ini diharapkan bisa menambah banyak teman. Bahkan dan ungkapan orang bijak yang mengatakan bahwa banyak teman itu menyehatkan.

Efforts to collect alumni data have long been carried out both by alumni on campus and by students, but the results are far from satisfactory. This is mainly due to the reluctance of alumni to provide actual information about their whereabouts to their alma mater. This reluctance may be due to the mechanism for conveying information so far not being very clear and easy to implement. Therefore, the campus is trying to create media that might make it easier for alumni to communicate and transfer information, both with the alma mater and with fellow alumni. It is for this purpose that the department and several students are trying to build a special site for TEUB alumni.

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