The  professional    independent    profile  reflects    the  target    quality    of  educational  results (outcomes) assigned to graduates after a career in their profession for 3 (three) – 5 (five) years. The independent professional profile of the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program University of Brawijaya (PSTEUB) is based on the results of industrial needs analysis in the regional and national environment which has a very strong connection with the scientific field of the PSTEUB study program while still referring to the vision and mission of UB (Brawijaya University). ) and PSTEUB’s vision and mission.

PSTEUB’s independent professional profile takes into account the needs of  Indonesia as an agrarian country which expects to have a workforce in the engineering profession with special competencies in the fields of electronics, electronics, telecommunications, automation and control as well as digital computers while still upholding professional ethics. Based on this, the three criteria for the Mandir Professional Profile for PSTEUB graduates are:

  1. Have   competence in the   field of    engineering,   able    to work    professionally,  innovatively and play an  active role in nation building.
  2. Have the ability to communicate effectively, have a leadership spirit and have a noble personality in every profession you undertake.
  3. Have  continuous  learning  motivation  for  self-development.