Final Assignment/Skripsi is a scientific work in the field of science written based on the results of research and literature studies whose provisions are regulated by the Study Program.

The requirements for taking the final assignment/skripsi are :
a. Active as a student in the relevant academic year and having programmed a final assignment/skripsi in the study plan.
b. Have taken and passed all mandatory courses and collected a certain number of credits as determined by the study program.
c. GPA of at least 2.00.
d. Fulfill other requirements determined by the Study Program.

The procedures and methods for writing a final assignment/thesis are regulated in the Guidelines for Writing Final Assignments/Skripsi, Thesis and Faculty Dissertations.
The following is a Guide to Writing Skripsi, Thesis and Dissertations for the Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University –> here

The following is a link for skripsi services :
1. Proposal Seminar Registration–> here
2. Seminar Results Registration –> here
3. Comprehensive Exam Registration –> here
4. Request for Skripsi Data –> here